Welcome, we are dàme


When it comes to our bodies, we often feel the pressure to conform to certain ideals in order to gain acceptance and approval from others. We may also struggle with our physical appearance, striving to meet unrealistic standards of perfection. Society tries to persuade us that we are either too thin or too fat, too short or too tall, too feminine or too masculine. Why can’t we just embrace ourselves as we are? Founded in 2021, Dàme is not just a magazine but also an inclusive platform, a safe space, a community, and a source of inspiration and comfort. We recognise the challenges that persist in a patriarchal society where diet culture, catcalling, and gender discrimination continue to be daily occurrences. We celebrate diversity in all its forms and aspire to empower women by promoting the representation of authentic and unfiltered bodies that have genuine stories to share.
We are the only magazine that dedicates each issue to a specific body part: our first issue focuses on the tummy, the second edition centers on the legs, and our third issue explores the topic of hair. Within the pages of Dàme, you will encounter not only a rich tapestry of diverse bodies but also in-depth articles and interviews with ordinary women, designers, and artists who delve into critical topics such as fatphobia, disability, racism, and gender fluidity. Note: The term “women” refers to individuals who self-define and self-determine as such, regardless of how they are socialized in a binary environment.

We foster self-awareness and promote body normalisation through print, as well as through in-person events featuring activists and talks at schools and universities.

Since January 2023, we have engaged in discussions about body positivity, empowerment, and leadership at various venues, including Libreria Verso in Milan, I.I.S.S. Carlo Maria Carafa in Mazzarino, and the Prime Minister School for Young Women in Favara. We have also participated in events such as FLOD in Guastalla, Mag to Mag in Bologna, and Indiecon – Independent Publishing Festival 2023 in Hamburg.

Our issue 03 launch party will take place on November 23rd at 7pm at oTTo, in Via Paolo Sarpi 10, in Milano. Free entry! Also, are we excited to be part of SPRINT MILANO 2023 on November 25th-26th at Spazio Maiocchi, in Via Achille Maiocchi 7, in Milano, with more events planned for the whole 2024!

Dàme is always eager to discover new stories, projects related to the body, and events in the publishing and women-related sectors to participate in. If you would like to get in touch with us to become one of our contributors or to discuss our participation in a fair/event, please don't hesitate to send us an email.